Just me talking about this new prospecting system and the one thing that caught my attention: "No Cold Calling" Ever. and from time to time I will post whatever happens to be on my mind at the time of posting.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers day to all fathers,dads, grandads,papas, papi's and single moms that have to play the role of mom and dad I really take my hat off to you. My mom is a single parent and until I became a parent myself I did not realize how hard of a job parenting is, that is one thing my wife and I both agree on after being together for 24 years!

Hey wait a minute it's fathers day and some how I'm still talking about moms :-} but that's how it goes, I'm not sure why they even gave us a day(fathers). Compared to mothers day our day is just a afterthought. But you know what we accept and we love you all the same. What fathers do is usally behind the scenes, small but important stuff and in my house I'm the bad guy, I accept my role.

This Blog will be short I have to visit my Mom is in the hospital today , Just wanted to pay tribute to dad's everywhere and give you a littele update on power prospecting system. As I said a couple of post ago " It really works"

I will give you an example- lately I have had people "calling me" asking me if this works? (lol) Do you get it?

No, ok let me type it again- lately I have had people"calling me" asking me if this works?

No cold calling! of course power prospecting system works you would not be reading this if it didn't.

remember if you ever have question about pps or my primary business give me a call 857-9910543 I live Boston(celtics city) * side note Celtics came back from being down 24 pts in the first quarter last night to beat the

Lakers ! series is now 3-1 Beantown. Sorry about that as I was saying call or e mail me anytime with questions 8pm-11pm est.

Ok gotta go to the hospital, Have great Day And Dads Have a Great Weekend. Don't Forget to take my poll at the bottom of the blog.

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