Just me talking about this new prospecting system and the one thing that caught my attention: "No Cold Calling" Ever. and from time to time I will post whatever happens to be on my mind at the time of posting.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What are you doing?

Friday, September 12, 2008
I'm Back!!
And yes I'm Back!! I also have very sad news :-(
My MOM has passed away, I know most people would not put this in their blog. But as I wrote in my heading I will always say what is on my mind and in this case in my heart. August 14Th 2008 is a day I will never forget, It was my moms last living day on earth.
This is the toughest blog for me to write, right now I'm just sitting here staring at the cursor blinking. I love my Mom, she was going through a lot of medical stuff, people always say to me "She is not suffering now" I think I have said that to someone and I will never say it again! The statement does not make those that are grieving feel any better. Again I love you Mom!
So guys & gals it is fair to say I have been out of touch with you for sometime. I even quit the affiliate plan I was with! Yes I did...
Hey I'm just like most folks on line. Most people will go through a few opportunities before they hit the right one.
But the one thing that has been consistent is Power Prospecting System. Even while I was away from the cpu pps was still going and growing. Have no clue what pps click here
Now today I'm working with a great team of folks, take a look at this they even let you take a $2 14 day trial to check it out. But the part that got me is the team support. This is what I have been looking for click here to take a look now.
If this is your first time at my blog, please read the previous blogs to get a better Idea of me.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Who Is Still Buying Leads?
How is everyone doing today? Me? I'm fine, considering the circumstances. My mom is still very sick, she actually got better for about 1 day and then ended up back in the ICU. My dear Mom I Love You. Sorry everyone but I told you at the intro I just write about what is on my mind at the time. You came here to get to know me, this is me.
Of course those thoughts did not inspire me to write tonight's blog, hence the title"Who Is Still Buying Leads?" Now, I have to ask this question, I still see advertisement's, websites and e mails selling leads! So therefore that leads me to think (no pun intended) people are still BUYING Leads!
Wait let me rephrase that Phone Verified Leads, what is that? Does that mean it is OK to call them? Yeah right! I have been on the other end of that phone and some of those folks are just downright Nasty! And they should be. Here we go calling with our pre-written scripts sounding like we are reading word for word(we are) or if you call enough leads you start to memorize the pre-written script. Now here is the best part when the lead ask a question that is not on the script(oh no) dah,mumble,jumble oh forget it!
Who is still buying leads?
Alright how about this? you have never seen anybody as happy as I was to get a answering machine when calling a lead. Why because there was a script for that to and without the chance of rejection. And then it hit me, the key to making money in MLM, Network Marketing and Internet marketing is duplication, duplication and more duplication.
Now who is ready to Cold call leads with me? I don't think so.
Who is still buying leads?
Let me show you what I found today, this is a actual ad to convince people they should buy leads and make cold calls. Read below
I want to GIVE you something for fr.ee today!
Something that I know you NEED and can USE for your business.
Here is my FR.EE gift to you today:
1. 100 Phone Verified Leads
2. A 45-Minute Training CD on MLM
3. A 45-Minute Training DVD
4. Sponsoring Made Simple training book
5. M.L.M Crash Course training book
6. Results of 1,000 Phone Calls training book
7. The 1-2 Punch Phone Script training book
8. 50% off any of my training tools!
Try our Phone Verified Leads & Training for 30 Days on me!
How do you get these 8 AMAZING fr.ee gifts?
Call me after you get them and you will also get aFR.EE 15-Minute consultation over the phone to help you get your business on track!
There is only one good thing about this ad at the bottom it reads "call me after you get them" That is really smart and what you always want. Why is that? No rejection, no pressure and no script! You get all the good and none of the ugly with a funded proposal system like Power Prospecting System.
So again I ask "Who is still buying leads?" Not me that's for sure and you shouldn't either! Pps Will solve all your problems :leads,money and it's rejection proof.
Good Night everyone!
contact me with any questions: E mail me or give me a ring-857-991-0543
Richard Beatty
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of JULY!

It has been a while since I have posted so here we go.
Well , my wife and I are home the kids went to the beach with their aunts and uncle. I was not in the mood, I can't swim and the sun has not come out yet anyway. I hope they are still enjoying themselves.
Just to give you an update with my mom, she has improved , no longer in the intensive care unit. On the outside she seems better but we know on the inside she is still very sick. The main thing is that she is still with us(Mrs Barbara A. Beatty) last week this time ,it was not looking good for her or us. Thank You to everyone who said prayers for my family.
No cold calling is the name of this blog so let's talk a little bit about that. I love power prospecting system. You know how they say hate is a strong word? well Love is an even stronger word. this system does exactly what it says it will do "IF" You follow what they teach to the "T" I'm so happy with the results, tools and training. Have you ever cold called leads before? I have and and it sucks!
Just this past week I have talked to so many people on the phone that are just like you and me! So refreshing to have a conversation with somebody who speaks our language for example mlm, network marketing, residual income and so on. No pressure just two people with something in common getting to know each other. well I think everyone now knows how excited I am about PPS.
Meanwhile just lately I decided to switch my Primary business I promote with the pps system. I still promote my now secondary business but I think I made a mistake, here is why 3 months ago my upline and friend in My World Plus and several other business in the past told me about ASD.
I usually jump right on it and get involved without question, not sure why I dragged my butt this time . Lets just say it cost me a bunch of money not to get involved. My friend joined in April she opened her account with $500 and now 3 months later she has 12k in her account!
All she did was surf a few websites a day, sponsored about 7 or 8 paying members(not me) and voila 12k 3 months later. I fell out the chair last week when she told me, on my way down I kicked myself in the rear.
So I encourage everyone to take a free position by clicking here and then e mail me or call me we can talk I can explain what I know about ASD. Or just take the free position and watch like I did and I will update everyone on how I'm doing 3 months from now :-}
rbeatty1@gmail.com 857-991-0543
Friday, June 20, 2008
WE ARE # 1

Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy Fathers Day!
Hey wait a minute it's fathers day and some how I'm still talking about moms :-} but that's how it goes, I'm not sure why they even gave us a day(fathers). Compared to mothers day our day is just a afterthought. But you know what we accept and we love you all the same. What fathers do is usally behind the scenes, small but important stuff and in my house I'm the bad guy, I accept my role.
This Blog will be short I have to visit my Mom is in the hospital today , Just wanted to pay tribute to dad's everywhere and give you a littele update on power prospecting system. As I said a couple of post ago " It really works"
I will give you an example- lately I have had people "calling me" asking me if this works? (lol) Do you get it?
No, ok let me type it again- lately I have had people"calling me" asking me if this works?
No cold calling! of course power prospecting system works you would not be reading this if it didn't.
remember if you ever have question about pps or my primary business give me a call 857-9910543 I live Boston(celtics city) * side note Celtics came back from being down 24 pts in the first quarter last night to beat the
Lakers ! series is now 3-1 Beantown. Sorry about that as I was saying call or e mail me anytime with questions 8pm-11pm est.
Ok gotta go to the hospital, Have great Day And Dads Have a Great Weekend. Don't Forget to take my poll at the bottom of the blog.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Hottest Weekend This year
I hope you had a great weekend!
mine was just fine, summer heat is feeling good. I'm ready for it, in Boston we get about 2 maybe 2 and half months of HEAT! So when we get it most of us enjoy it. my youngest daughter had a softball game this afternoon, the sun was high in the sky. It was a close game until the end I think my girls let the heat get to them, we lost 13-8.
So now I'm at my computer with the celtics and lakers game playing behind me Celtics are up 20pts in the 4th quarter! loving that!
But even better than that while still working on the computer I noticed using the tecniques I learned from Power Prospecting System so far I have had 512 visitors ,so far 23 prospects and so far 1 sale. I can't say enough about what I have learned and what it has done for my marketing efforts.
Hey everyone I want you to know that these are real numbers not something I just made up. The numbers may not sound like a lot but if you only knew what my stats looked like before PPS I feel like a superstar!
By the way 80-96 Celtics up with 5 min left in the 4th quarter.
Back to what I was talking about, so far every month I remain a member my income has improved hope that continues..I think so.
I think I'm done testing this system I will suggest my downline members in my primary business use it as well.
Well it's late here in Celtic City.
Final update 100-104 celtics up 38 seconds left Kobi on the foul line to shoot 2
Good night Everyone!
Monday, May 26, 2008
It really works!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy mothers day
Of course it is Mothers DAY! Happy Mommy day to all moms! In my opinion today is a very special moms day for my mom.. It's my Birthday Also!
One thing I noticed today that made me sad and happy all at once is when I was driving around today I saw a Lot of people visiting grave yards spending time with their love ones that are no longer with us.
I was sad for those that were there and happy That my Mom is still with us. She has been ill for about year now and currently in a rehab, but she is still here. I picked her up from the rehab and we had some food over my little sisters house. My sister is a pretty good cook, she takes after my mom.
I know the name of my blog is no cold calling but also keep in mind a blog is space to talk about whatever is on your mind. so that is what I'm doing today.
On another note Today and yesterday have been really good prospecting days for my power prospecting system. using the tecniques and the sytem that is in place , I really feel good about this program. I ran 2 ads and got several leads maybe about 40 and made 1 sale. This is great! If you are looking for a good system to generate leads for your primary business. you can go here and take a look http://rbeatty1.getnetmlmprofits.com/profits/?mad=4879 the traing is like no other.
Well I have to go right now and make sure my daughters homework is correct. See you next time.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hump Day
Well for starters today is my daughters 16th birthday, Happy birthday sue sue wherever you are I love You and wish I could tell you in person. Maybe someday I will be able to.
Now down to business I love network marketing, I love the power behind it. My main business that I promote is called My World plus
This is one of the good programs, they do what they say no hidden agendas and they pay what they promise. But with any good company you have to advertise-Internet marketing. This is what they all pay you to do.
The system I use right at the moment is netmlmprofits or you can call it power prospecting system. This system was put togther by a guy named Daegan Smith. he is a marketing guru. I have been working with the system for abot 2 week now and I'm doing alright so far there is a ton of very useful information, real stuff that is current to what is going on in the www.
better know as the wild wild west. well Let me get down to advertisng talk to you all On Thursday
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I live in Beantown, i'm married with 4 great Children 3 that live with me 1 out of state.
Today has been a long day, Been on the cpu for most of it, working on this pps system. this is prospecting system that I use to genrate targeted traffic and leads to my online business. Go here if you want to see what I'm talking about.
Well it is late here in Redsox Nation, off to hit he sack, see you On Sunday